top down

Monday, May 8, 2006

Green Baby Cardigan

I have been meaning to try knitting something top down, all in one piece for a while. Well here it is, roughly based on the “Dumb Baby Sweater” pattern from Knitting in Plain English. So far so good. I am quite enjoying the Rowan Wool Cotton and I love the colour.

The time I have left to knit/quilt baby gifts and the gifts remaining to be finished are not shrinking at a proportional rate. It’s a worry. But hopefully I will get there. Still to do:

Finish this green cardi (and matching hat if yarn allows)
Finish the flower hat and and a baby sized version
Layer, quilt and bind two cot sized quilts
Start and finish some as yet undetermined genderless baby gift (probably a simple red hat a the rate I am going).

I have between 8 and 13 weeks to go, and frankly I am hoping it is more like 8. I need to get moving!

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