a little obsessed and lacking a certain measure of self control

Monday, November 7, 2005

No, I am not talking about my fiber obsession. I am referring to the 4 boxes of home pregnancy tests (with three tests each) that I bought at the super market today. The woman on the checkout clearly thought I was a little unbalanced. She might be right.

Spearfish Number 2, plus some hpts

I am obviously not doing that well at waiting patiently for the blood test next weekend. The excellent side effect of this restless energy is pleasing sock progress. I knit the second half of the leg on Saturday. Yesterday I knit the heel flap, turned the heel and started the gusset. It’s all down hill from here.

And finally the latest backyard critter to catch Isabelle’s attention, his feelers were twice the length of his body!



Comment by Kris on 7/11/2005 @ 11:33 am

I don’t know about down there but I think the checkout girls here in the U.S. are used to women buying pregnancy tests in bulk. Everyone I’ve ever known who went through IVF eventually broke down and spent all their money on tests. I think I would have a hard time being patient as well. I’m praying for you!

Comment by Korin on 7/11/2005 @ 1:23 pm

Next weekend is a LONG time from now! i amazed myself and didn’t pee on a single stick till the day before my blood test, and it was a dud test.. not even a control line!
Thinking ofyou.. Hoping for the best. :)

Comment by Robyn on 7/11/2005 @ 1:35 pm

I am sending good thoughts your way in the hopes that this IVF is a success. Maybe you’ll have a nice pair of socks to wear when you ge the results of the blood test! Take care!

Comment by Carol on 7/11/2005 @ 3:27 pm

Did you get discount for buying in bulk? :P
Still hoping all is well for you.

Comment by Belinda on 7/11/2005 @ 4:37 pm

OMG, I did that. I even dated them just like you do, the crazy thing is I still have them….even though they have all faded now.

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