goodies in the post are fun
While I am always pleased to check the post and find someone has actually paid their bill it isn’t exactly “fun” because cheques in the post mean going to the bank with a toddler. Going to the bank with a toddler is surpased only by going insde the Post Office at a major center in the “Do we have to?” stakes. As far as I can tell the sole purpose of Post Office design in this country is the torture of small children and their parents. Forget candy free checkouts at the super markets, where are the marketting free Post Offices? At least you can move through a supermarket checkout at a reasonable speed most days, not so the Post Office. Actually our local is so small that it is fairly ok.
But I digress, there were no cheques in the post today. Todays post was fun - look what arrived from Germany:

I am really impressed with the Rebecca magazine. There are heaps of patterns I like and it is beautifully printed (on much nicer paper than the two Phildar mags I ordered a little while ago). I like it. I really hope I like kniting the Jacke in Apricot too! As for the colour card, I am still torn between the colours I thought I would like:
3 Apricot
22 Pale Green
46 Green
I have to say that while getting yarn online that I can’t get locally (or getting the same yarn 20-40% cheaper) is great I find choosing colours hard enough with whole balls in my hand, a few strands on a colour card is just really not enough for me to feel confident I like something… oh wait, did I say this was fun? It will be fun once the decision is made…