i like the long rows… and the baking

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Mata Hari Sock

I have had a few stolen moments in the last week to chip away at the second sock. Thursday I short rowed down to the point of the heel. Friday I long rowed back, and I learnt something - I prefer the long rowing. It seems to go much faster than the short rowing, presumably because I don’t have to keep looking ahead to make sure I am not about to knit the stitch I should be wrapping.

My mother moved to NSW this week and today we went to visit her in her new house. It’s and hour and a half drive each way, Jesse was driving and I thought I would get so much knitting done. But no. Morning sickness=car sickness and there was almost no knitting achieved at all. I may have managed an inch. There are how many days to go now? Must. Knit. Sock.

On the other hand the baking is going really well. Today I made up the first three parcels of goodies ready to distribute tomorrow.

Christmas baking


Comment by Carol on 18/12/2005 @ 7:41 am

They look sooooooooooooo yummy. What is the coloured part of the biscuits? Miss B is now begging to do some christmas baking and I suck at baking . I really don’t want to see my kitchen in a couple of hours.

Comment by Mary on 18/12/2005 @ 10:40 am

Man, I wish I was on your recipient list for those goodies — they look delicious!

Keep plugging away at the sock when you’re up to it. You’ll finish it before you know it.

Comment by Karen on 19/12/2005 @ 12:10 am

How pretty your goodies look all packed up! I wish I was on your list too!!!

Comment by Irma on 19/12/2005 @ 7:15 am

Did I miss something? What list? Are you giving these boxes away? No kidding…is it a present or did I stumble upon a cultural difference here?
Or am I too curious?

Comment by Kris on 20/12/2005 @ 9:19 am

Your goodies look yummy. I think I’m gaining weight just looking at the pictures.

Sorry for my ignorance but… What’s NSW?

Please excuse my American ignorance, in addition I’m a bit geographically impaired.

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