it is growing

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Mata Hari Socks, toe up

The sock it is growing. It grows slowly because I only seem to have the energy to knit every few days at the moment, but when I do knit it speeds along. This is such a fun and easy pattern, I can’t recommend it enough.

My belly is also growing, not so as strangers would notice but certainly so that my family does. I don’t remotely look pregnant, just pot bellied, which is charming considering I am still below the weight I started this cycle. Of course Isabelle, with the tact of a three yearold likes to discuss the changes to my belly with everyone she meets. Actually it’s probably just as well she keeps telling people I am pregnant because it’s completely ruling my life - no lifting, no exercise, drugs at regular intervals, meals 5 times a day (plus recovery time), the tiredness, dizzy spells from low blood pressure, etc. I feel that my behavior must seem really quite weird at times. Until Friday I had been assuming that the drugs I am on were making the morning (constant companion) sickness worse, then I found out that they are actually an anti-emetic and probably the only reason I am not vomiting all day everyday. The upside, apart from the obvious possible baby at the end, is that Jesse brings me lovely meals at regular intervals (they’re not both for me).

Fruit salad, ricotta and honey


Comment by Mary on 11/12/2005 @ 1:53 pm

Is that ice cream or whipped cream on top of that fruit? In either case — yum! Just what the babies ordered! ;-)

Comment by Korin on 11/12/2005 @ 3:00 pm

MMMMM that snack looks delicious. DELICIOUS!!! I am still below the weight i started at, I think. I didn’t weigh myself before starting IVF, so I have no real idea. but I’m pretty sure I haven’t gained any weight, and I’m 14 weeks!

Comment by Adina on 12/12/2005 @ 4:01 am

Wow, that looks good!

Off to eat!

Comment by Carol on 12/12/2005 @ 6:29 am

YUM!!! Are you sure they weren’t both for you???

Comment by Kris on 13/12/2005 @ 2:36 am

Hope you’re feeling better soon. Jessie makes yummy looking snacks!

Comment by Julia on 13/12/2005 @ 5:05 am

I was expecting to see an ultrasound with that title! The sock looks great, and I’m glad that the preganancy continues to progress. Hopefully it will become easier?

Comment by Purly Whites on 13/12/2005 @ 5:35 am

Hang in there!

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