morning sickness v. second sock

Sunday, December 4, 2005

In the battle for my time the morning (all day) sickness is so far out in front of the second sock it’s not even in the race. Sock number one is done, in fact I finished it days ago and have been trying to take a photo of it ever since, to no avail. I did once get as far as having it on my foot with the camera out, and then our pizza arrived early…. It’s lovely but please, please remind me never to knit a picot edge sock toe up again. Toe up socks good, picot trim good, both together BAD. Grafting stitches to rows is very dull indeed.

I finished the first sock just as the all day sickness was kicking into high gear and bringing it’s friend permanently exhausted to the party. Don’t get me wrong, I am so happy to be pregnant that I will merrily be sick and exhausted for another 32-33 weeks if that’s how it’s going to be, but it’s not so good for the knitting. The idea of knitting something is vaguely appealing every now and then (when I am not concentrating on how not to vomit) but the idea of doing a provisional cast on to get started stalls me every time. Are there other methods of doing toe up socks that don’t involve a provisional cast on? Maybe I just need a smaller crochet hook and it would be easier to pick up the stitches?

I like to think that if I can just start then the sock will grow quite quickly, but honestly it could take me until Christmas to finish the second sock at this rate…

In the mean time I will try to take a photo of the first one.


Comment by Julia on 4/12/2005 @ 9:08 pm

I would wish you felt better, but I honestly believe that the morning sickness is a good sign that the little life inside you is taking root and doing it’s darndest to stay there. Rest up! Hopefully in a few months it will get easier!

Comment by Susie on 4/12/2005 @ 9:48 pm

Hooray for morning sickness! Such very good news, despite the blechy feeling.

Comment by Karen on 5/12/2005 @ 2:42 am

Aww I hope you feel better soon. So what if it takes until Christmas to get the second sock done. That is not such an awful thing. ;) Take care!

Comment by Jamie on 5/12/2005 @ 3:58 am

I haven’t tried this cast on myself, but a friend of mine swears by it. Her socks look great, and she says it’s very easy.

Comment by Korin on 5/12/2005 @ 5:26 am

morning sickness sucks, but as my hubby says… it’s ‘confirmation of the impregnation’…. It will get better, thenw orse, then better :D

Comment by Vicki Roy on 5/12/2005 @ 7:04 am

Forget the sock! No one can do anything when the all day sickness is around. So happy and excited for you. Knitting will keep. Doing what you can to feel comfortable and to tend to Isabel is probably all you should be thinking about. If you have to knit to feel better give you self a limit, anywhere from three stitches to three rows, it will give you a fix. Take care. Vicki

Comment by Jan on 5/12/2005 @ 7:21 am

So happy to hear about the morning sickness, Jo! ;-)
(You know what I mean!)

Comment by Mary on 5/12/2005 @ 9:22 am

Yes - morning sickness is good — mommy hormones are-a-coursin’ through your veins. Yay!

Shoot, the sock can wait. Isn’t it summer there anyway? If you knit at all, do something easy - a garter stitch scarf or something.

Be gentle with yourself. No knitting pressure from us! Just let us know how you and “everyone” are doing! :-)

Comment by Kris on 5/12/2005 @ 12:49 pm

I feel for ya! I hope it passes soon. I remember feeling terrible but knowing it was a good sign and then feeling guilty for complaining. Get some rest. The knitting will still be there.

Comment by Dorothee on 5/12/2005 @ 6:06 pm

Yay! Morning sickness! (Ok, I better stop making stupid comments ;-)) Hope you’ll feel better soon!

Comment by thestripeytiger on 5/12/2005 @ 8:41 pm

Yep Morning sickness wins hands down!! I am 15 weeks preggers and just past the worst it seems! I feel like a new woman, suddenly I can cook dinner again and still be surfing at 10pm instead of sleeping…. :-) Hang in there I hope it finishes soon…

Comment by Julie on 6/12/2005 @ 2:11 am

I’m very happy and sad for your morning sickness! I’ve been lurking in the blog shadows for a while and finally decided to emerge to share my joy for your pregnancy and also a link for some toe-up socks. So, Congratulations! Good healthy pregnancy wishes for you and the babe(s)!

Toe-up sock link:
I’m particularly fond of the figure eight cast on…well, honestly it’s the only thing I’ve ever used, so I’m biased, but anyway, it works for me and there’s no provisional cast on. Good luck!

Comment by Purly Whites on 6/12/2005 @ 5:54 am

Try the Turkish cast-on for toe-ups with no provisional cast-on. It is insanely easy. Fluffy Knitter Deb did a tutorial if you don’t have the Fall Vogue knitting.

And, congratulations on still being pregnant! I’m so happy for you.

Comment by Anna on 6/12/2005 @ 7:39 pm

I had all day sickness and it’s not much fun, but as you know it’s a really good sign of things to come!! Do what I did, think of knitting as your “basket weaving therapy” - use it when you need to and when you don’t - bugger the knitting! I’m so glad to hear that Isobel’s little brother or sister is going so well.

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