new toy!

Thursday, July 7, 2005

Boye Needlemaster inter-changable needles

Yesterday I got to spend over an hour in a great yarn store sans toddler. I wasn’t intending to buy I anything, I was really just passing time while I waited for our car to be checked over before the drive to Adelaide. Then I saw these.

I have been pining for a set of Denise needles for ages, until I actually saw a set a few weeks ago and was completely put off. I couldn’t stand the nasty moulding ridges on the needles, I didn’t like the plastic feel of them, the lumpy cable joins or the complete lack of weight/substance to the needles. I know that most people really like light needles, and I am not a fan of heavy needles but the denise needles felt a bit like using plastic cutlery to me - yuck. I am yet to knit with the needle master set but I couldn’t leave them in the store, I like that colours allow you to easily identify a pair and I much prefer the feel (and weight) of the metal. I hear the cable joins are more likely to come undone that the denise needles but I feel they will be much nicer to knit with.

I expect that I will stick with my addis when I can, but I think I will find these far more usable for filling in the gaps than I would have found a set of Denise needles. The need to keep an eye on the joins as I knit is something I will find much easier to live with than the nasty ridges in the plastic of the Denise needles, or the lumps in the Denise cable joins.

The missing needle points are in my knitting bag ready to cast on Sophie.


Comment by Ines on 8/7/2005 @ 11:26 pm

I have the same needles - I love them - you do need to keep an eye on them though, they do unscrew as you are working but if you check them every couple of rows you should be all set - have fun knitting

Comment by KNUTTY KNITTER on 15/3/2006 @ 6:05 am


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