something for dolly, something for baby

Monday, March 13, 2006

Stonington Shetland Shawl

I finished the centre square of the Stonington Shetland Shawl and what I learned while knitting this vast expanse of garter stitch (well it’s not that vast but it certainly seemed that way as I knit it) is that this yarn is not going anywhere near my baby. The more I knit with the yarn the less I liked it. So when the square was done I tied it off, put the remainder of the current ball in a ziplock bag and washed it, lanolised it and blocked it. Which certainly improved it’s size and now it smells like breastfeeding woman (well woman with damaged nipples to be precise, not a fond memory of mine), but it’s still scratchy.

Goodbye baby shawl, hello dolly blanket. I am going to add some sort of crochet trim to what you see above and give it to Isabelle for her dolly when the new baby comes. Conveniently enough she asked for a new dolly blanket just today. I never did fix the last one I made her….

Having abandoned the Stonington Shawl I moved right along to nicer yarn and a project that just seems to be flying by. Another Jacket with Moss Stitch Bands, this time in Debbie Bliss Wool Cotton from the stash. I knit the back and two fronts in two nights, I was having great fun. Of course their had to be a hitch.

Jacket With Moss Stitch Bands 2

The wrist opening is WAY too small. It’s been a long time since we had a tiny baby, and Isabelle was never that tiny (as new babies go) but I could tell it was going to be too tight even before I pulled out some clothing to double check. I think I am going to make the next sleeve almost straight, it will be easier to get on and more comfortable for baby.


Comment by Heather on 14/3/2006 @ 1:41 am

I am knitting the same sweater. This is my first time making it and I just finished the back. I thought it look a little long for the 0-3 months size. So I compared it to an old sweater from my daughter it was a little bigger but I am just going to keep going and see what happens. Now I noticed that on line it says the sweater has a moss stitch band and in my Debbie Bliss book it says seed stitch. Is there a difference in the stitches or are they the same?

Comment by Estee on 14/3/2006 @ 5:15 am

I loved your baby moss cardigan, looking forward to seeing this new one finished.

Comment by Emilee on 23/3/2006 @ 4:16 am

I have knitted this sweater, and actually liked the small wristbands. It kept it on my daughter’s arms instead of her being able to pull her hands up inside the sweater (and then, of course, be mad because her hands were in her sweater).

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