Tool Time

Saturday, September 25, 2004

We went to town today. Those of you with toddlers will understand why not going has been easy despite the ever growing list of things that would be best achieved in a major shopping area. My impending moss stitch casting off experience is what made me stop procrastinating and do it. I decided I needed a more in-depth knitting book badly enough to go to town and do all the other things I needed to do too.

So I printed off my amazon wish list and off we went. I sent Jesse to the aquarium with Isabelle while I did the stuff only I needed to be present for and I did well:

Book in hand, I went and bought some rust proof pins, a needle gauge, a pair of “knitters needles” and a new purse (for half the price I had budgetted no less). After such a happy retail experience I was feeling so good I recklessly strayed into the ladies underwear section of a major department store and that was the end of my shopping success story. When I departed an hour later with no further purchases, I was significantly less happy than I went in, close to tears in fact. At least I got the book and despite the outrageous amount of time I wasted trying to get a new bra (or three) Jesse still managed to get himself one new shirt too. The rest of the clothes shopping will have to wait for another day.

So by now you may be wondering what all this has to do with knitting tools… I did buy the needle gauge, pins and knitters needle today, and yesterday I got these in the post (shown with todays purchases for good measure):

All the needles I need for Isabelle’s Jacket with Moss Stitch Bands, the Phildar Jacket and Reverse Bloom Washcloths. There were supposed to be needles for Kate too but they somehow didn’t make it into the packet. To add to my parcel opening excitement Janette from Styk included this lovely little stitch holder sample.

I know, I know, its all a ploy to make me spend more money - well it’s working. I expect I will order 3 more when they are available in mid october.

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